Artist Statement

Inspired natural & supernatural phenomena are prominent in my current artwork and everyday life. 

I am passionate about trauma informed decolonial wellness practices, creative emotional expression and self awareness. These themes are nuanced in the visual artwork I create and are more prominent in my creative writing, storytelling and film projects.

I started out as a self-taught abstract mixed media painter, intuitively exploring and experimenting with materials. The freedom of non-objective abstraction allowed me to express myself in ways I never felt safe to before. Art is an outlet and I became addicted to it.

Later in my practice, I realized that the titles and abstract imagery of my work are a form of premonition. What you focus on you create; I create and alchemize my reality through art. The artwork I create is channelled and flows through me. I am a vessel and Creator guides me to create. As I have now adopted other balanced ways to process my emotions and support my healing journey, my creative practice has become more grounded and less compulsive.

Art is now a means of deeper medicine - of reclaiming my culture through painting, poetry, sewing, storytelling, beading, music, installation and filmmaking. I am currently creating a documentary film on healing from trauma through art, cultural reclamation and connection to the land. I am humbled, grateful and honoured to create and share what I love within community.

When you’re doing the thing you’re meant to be doing, our Great Creator helps you on your path.